JPCP’s primary mission is publication of The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling. However, we have also published about two dozen books and monographs in accordance with our book publishing policy. See below for books currently available.
Published by JPCP
Misguided Love: Christians and the Rupture of LGBTQI2+ People

by Prof. Charles Fensham
Now available in both hard and electric copy at the from the following retailers:
The invitation of this book is for my readers who are Christian to consider the dimension of harm in the ongoing debates on affirming or not affirming sexual and gender minority Christians within church communities. Much has been said and much is written on biblical interpretation and Christian traditions of teaching. There are also many arguments on the issue of justice and equality that have been made for and against the affirmation of sexual and gender minorities. Here I bring evidence of the history of harm and the infliction of harm on sexual and gender minority Christians.
– Charles Fensham
In South Africa, my country of origin, I lived through the apartheid era and experienced first-hand how “biblical teaching” can be used in pious ways to exploit, discriminate, and kill people. Presently and in the past, similar things happen to sexual and gender minority Christians. When we discover that we do harm we must stop.
Expanding the Circle: Essays in Honor of Joan Hemenway
edited by: Catherine F. Garlid, Angelika A. Zollfrank, George Fitchett
ISBN-10: 0929670035; ISBN-13: 978-0929670034 (originally co-published with Outskirts Press)
Print and e-book versions may still be available from various internet sources. However, this book is no longer “in print.” A PDF of the book is available for $5.00 USD.
Bridging from Joan Hemenway’s own writings to new reflections by a wide variety of clinical pastoral educators, these essays show the growth of the CPE model into contemporary relational and intercultural perspectives. Excerpts from verbatims and the authors’ personal experiences make this volume both lively and accessible. A fine tribute to one of the foremothers of modern pastoral care!
– Pamela Cooper-White
Inside the Circle: A Historical and Practical Inquiry Concerning Process Groups in Clinical Pastoral Education.

by Joan Hemenway. (JPCP Inc., 1996).
This book may still be available from various internet sources as a secondhand book. However, it is is no longer “in print.” A PDF of the book is available for $5.00 USD.
This book provides insights into the role group work has played in the evolution of Clinical Pastoral Education. The author demonstrates through historical analysis how psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology were creatively interfaced to offer a method suited to assist theological students in their educational and professional development. Drawing especially on the group theory and practice of Wilfred Bion, Dr. Hemenway offers a theory of group work in which the notion of transformative play assumes a central role. She demonstrates this approach by detailing actual group work within a CPE context and by rooting her theory in the “living human experience.”
Head and Heart: The Story of the Clinical Pastoral Education Movement
by Charles E. Hall (JPCP Inc., 1992)
This book may still be available from various internet sources as a secondhand book. However, it is is no longer “in print.” A PDF of the book is available for $5.00 USD.
This book chronicles the history of the Clinical Pastoral Education movement, called by some as the most innovative educational development in theological education and ministerial formation in the 20th century.
The author, Charles E. Hall, was a CPE Supervisor and, for many years the Executive Director of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.
This 125-page volume provides a clear and compelling challenge for the integration of “head and heart” in the service of pastoral care and chaplaincy.
Head and Heart provides insight into the dialectical situation of the minister, priest,or rabbi who needs both intellectual and emotional understanding but often experiences these two as opposites.
The story of CPE is a significant story of twentieth century pastoral care and theological education in which the conflicts between head and heart are confronted and a creative resolution offered -a creative resolution even more challenging in this the 21st century.
From LuLu Publishing Services
Body and Soul: The Continuing Story of the Clinical Pastoral Education Movement 1992-2017
by Roslyn A Karaban PhD
Published Jan 18, 2019 (108 pages
Previously published volume Head & Heart traced the historical development of the Clinical Pastoral Care movement up to the early 1990s. Body & Soul continues this story from 1992-2017 and records the continuing and growing dynamism within this movement as well as its current challenges and emerging developments.
Roslyn Karaban, a tenured Professor of Pastoral Care at St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry in Rochester, New York, recently completed 31 years of teaching. She holds a M.Div. degree from Harvard Divinity School and a Ph.D. from the Graduate Theological Union. Author of 4 books, Dr. Karaban is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist and has provided national leadership in both the Society for Pastoral Theology and the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. She also served 15 years as program Director for training volunteer hospice chaplains.
From Outskirts Press
Anton Theophilus Boisen: His Life, Work, Impact, and Theological Legacy
by Robert David Leas
ISBN-10: 0929670043; ISBN-13: 978-0929670041
Paperback $22.46; e-Book $5.00
Bob Leas’ biography of Anton Boisen has added significantly to our comprehension of this seminal figure in the origins of Clinical Pastoral Education. His weaving together dynamic portrayals of family members, crucial moments and persons in his professional life, and many revealing vignettes provide insight into this very complex person.
— James Gibbons
From the Boisen Books Project
Vision from a Little Known Country: A Boisen Reader
by Glenn H. Asquith, Jr., ed. ISBN-10: 0929670051; ISBN-13: 978-0929670058
While the contemporary world is facing issues different than in the time of Boisen, the theological and religious questions regarding suffering and conflict, illness, and social movements remain the same. Boisen focuses on the religious meaning of individual suffering (especially as manifested in mental illness) and he was also interested in the social conditions which surrounded human suffering. Thus, while this material reflects the vision of a man which began over eighty years ago, it can be argued that this vision not only has contemporary relevance but also speaks with a prophetic voice to the future.
From Wipf & Stock
Spiritual Needs and Pastoral Services: Readings in Research
edited by Larry VandeCreek
Re-published in January 2011 by Wipf & Stock
ISBN-10: 1608999769; ISBN-13: 978-1608999767
Retail: $46.00; Internet: $36.80
What do spiritual needs, health care, pastoral services, religious resources, statistics, and quantitative research methods have in common? Traditional literature in the pastoral care, counseling, and education movement probably would say “Not a great deal.” Indeed, the pastoral arts and sciences have tended to be high on art (especially praxis) but relatively low on science (especially Quantitative research).
In this book, Dr. Larry VandeCreek has gathered a number of samples of previously published research reports which inform hospital chaplains, congregational pastors, hospital personnel, and theological students about ways in which knowledge gained from carefully designed research can enhance their project of care. The quantitative research reports in this volume explore topics such as the role of spirituality in terminally ill hospitalized patients, the demonstrated helpfulness of prayer in health crises, the impact of hope among women with breast cancer, the role and impact of chaplaincy services in general hospitals, and several other topics in which the relationships between spirituality and health care is explored.
Research in Pastoral Care and Counseling: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
by Larry VandeCreek, Hilary Bender, Merle R. Jordan; foreword by: Margot Hover
ISBN-10: 155635889X; ISBN-13: 978-1556358890
Retail: $21.00; Internet: $16.80
The first part of this book, focusing on Quantitative Research, was originally published as A Research Primer for Pastoral Care and Counseling (by Larry VandeCreek). In the foreword to this expanded text, Margot Hover writes as follows: “This is truly a book for all … seasons – for those led apprehensive or even kicking and screaming into pastoral research as well as for those who enthusiastically indulge their curiosity in this way. It is for those who love to tinker with numbers as well as for those who look for patterns in the kind of documentation we excel at gathering – verbatims, anecdotes, case histories… I grabbed Larry VandeCreek’s book the first time I heard the term “pastoral research” as part of my job description and my residents and I have relied on it ever since. The reader will find equally valuable this edition, which includes comparable guidance and instruction for qualitative research from Hilary Bender and Merle Jordan.”
From Ministry to Theology: Pastoral Action and Reflection
by John H. Patton
ISBN-10: 1606088149; ISBN-13: 978-1606088142$16
Retail: $18.00; Internet: $14.40
This book is about the process involved in theological reflection. That process moves from something to something — from the practice of ministry to the construction or reconstruction of Christian theology. The word action in the subtitle reflects the book’s focus on the process of theological reflection more than the results of it.
The book begins with the assumption that ministers, lay or ordained, operate from some kind of theological understanding of what life is about, and that the practice of ministry can change that understanding in an important and creative way. It also makes the assumption that Christian doctrine and belief are repeatedly constructed and reconstructed, not just by professional theologians, but by ordinary believers who take their faith seriously enough to think about it.
Sexual Abuse by Clergy: A Crisis for the Church
by James N. Poling, Marie M. Fortune, and Larry K. Graham
ISBN-10: 1556356862; ISBN-13: 978-1556356865
Retail: $13.00; Internet: $10.40
Based upon oral presentations given at plenary sessions at an annual conference of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Marie Fortune, Executive Director of The Center for the Prevention of Sexual & Domestic Violence, and James N. Poling, a professor of pastoral theology at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, explore the devastating reality of clergy sexual misconduct. The monograph offers actions that need to be taken within both socio-political and a theological contexts. There is an Introduction by Larry Kent Graham, Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado.